Meet Raisenne ®
The Baker’s New Best Friend
Focus on the artistry - we’ll take care of the science.
Baking can be tricky, especially when working with dough that needs to be leavened. Proofing dough – or letting the yeast or other leavening agent like sourdough starter make it rise – is critical to the final taste and texture of baked goods. If the temperature, moisture and other variables aren’t just right, however, the end result can be less than satisfactory.
With the Raisenne Dough Riser, dough turns out perfectly every time. Simply place the microthin Raisenne Dough Riser under your bowl or pan, and its precisely calibrated heating circuits create the ideal environment for proofing any leavened dough.
Raisenne works with any dough that needs to be leavened, whether made from scratch or frozen, so no matter if you’re a newbie or an expert, you can do your best baking.
Warm up to Raisenne!

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Inspirations Blog
You finally have time to make the perfect dough
Q&A with Home Baker Carlton Washburn
Meet Carlton Washburn, a Missouri baker who is turning up the bread baking heat in his kitchen with the Raisenne Dough Riser! …
Inspiration, News, Recipes
If you’ve always wanted to try making bagels….YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!
Making bagels is a process. Not a complicated process. Just a process. Having made bagels from scratch, I was delighted with how…
Raisenne featured in Taste of Home
Top cooking and recipe magazine Taste of Home recently featured the Raisenne Dough Riser in their list of “24 Best Gifts for…